“INNOVATIVE SME” seal from the Ministry of Science and Innovation was granted to SOM Biotech in 2021. This distinction recognizes the contribution of the company to R&D innovation. The accreditation highlights the innovative business model, based on a pioneering computational chemistry technology that the company has developed to accelerate and streamline the drug discovery and development process.

The project “EVARCOV19: Development of a new drug based on Eravacycline for the treatment of SARS-COV-2” was co-funded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) in 2020, with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation, and an investigation of quality.

SOM Biotech received partial funding in 2011 and 2020 for a number of its programs granted by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism, through ENISA.

SOM Biotech was granted two “RETOS-Colaboración” loans from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, in 2014 and 2018. This award helped to promote investigational projects of SOM Biotech leading to increase scientific and technological knowledge through the promotion of investigational activities.

SOM Biotech received a “NUCLIS” grant from the Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) in 2012. This non-refundable fund was aimed at financing new high-risk technology products that respond to market needs.

The program of grants “Torres Quevedo” has awarded SOM Biotech funds for performing projects and training specialized professionals in 2010, 2011, and 2019. This program is aimed at hiring persons with Ph.D. studies and developing projects in an industrial investigation, experimental development, or viability studies.