Late clinical stage company founded in 2010 focused on the discovery and development of drugs for the treatments of rare disorders of the
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Proprietary Artificial Intelligence platform that demonstrated a high clinical predictivity with two products in Phase2
Lead product successfully completed Phase 2b in Huntington’s Disease patients with chorea, suited for the treatment of movement disorders and psychiatric disorders
Proprietary Artificial Intelligence platform that demonstrated high clinical predictivity with two products in Phase 2
Lead product SOM3355 suited for the treatment of movement disorders and psychiatric disorders, successfully completed a Phase 2b in patients with Huntington’s chorea










SOM Biotech will attend Bio-Neuroscience Conference from February 25th to February 27th 2025

February 17, 2025

SOM Biotech announces the presentation of the Phase2b study results

February 6, 2025
SOM Biotech presents the Phase 2b study results with SOM3355 demonstrating a unique profile with robust improvements of chorea in Huntington's Disease Patients and a safe profile with no somnolence, no akathisia and no impact on depression, suicidality or cognition. Read More

SOM Biotech will attend JP Morgan Healthcare Conference from January 13th to January 16th 2025

January 10, 2025

SOM Biotech participated in the last edition of Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW)

October 22, 2024
Created in 2020, the BNEW (BNEW Barcelona) is a physical and digital B2B event focused on unique events to expand the new economy in Barcelona. Dr. Raúl Insa was invited to pitch at the Health panel entitled “New Generation Drugs; Innovation in a Pill” that  took place at  DFactory Barcelona last October  9th 2024. The…

SOM Biotech announces the presentation of the Phase2b study results in Huntington Chorea Patients at the HDG Conference in Cincinnati

October 15, 2024
Read More

SOM Biotech announces the database lock of its Phase2b study with SOM3355 in Huntington’s chorea patients and looks for top-line results in August.

July 25, 2024
SOM Biotech, a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company based on a unique proprietary Artificial Intelligent (AI) platform, is pleased to announce the database lock of the Phase 2b study SOMCT03 with SOM3355 for the treatment of chorea in Huntington’s Disease. Press Release
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