9th Summer School on Medicines

posted on July 5, 2017

Dr. Raúl Insa, SOM Biotech CEO, was the invited speaker at Closing Session of 9th Summer School on Medicines (SSM9). This event took place in Barcelona from 2 to 7 July 2017. SSM9 is structured to cover the whole process that leads from ideas and projects to drugs reaching the market, including visits to research centers and pharmaceutical companies of the South of Europe, one of the most active regions in the world.

Its main objectives are:

  • To provide an in depth perspective of the drug discovery process at the beginning of the XXIst century, from basic research of disease pathways to the rational design of safe and effective molecules with appropriate drug-like properties.
  • To offer an overview of drug development from proof of concept (POC) to registration.
  • To introduce issues of market access documentation needs following registration, together with approaches to their early identification and integration into the overall product development plan.

Further information at SSM9